
Friday, 26 February 2021

Technology: 25/02/20

On Thursday 25th of February we had our first tech for 2021. My group was 'C' and our teacher is Mr Grundy. We started of with talking about the 4 rules of the class then started drawing what we wanted to make for our project. The rules were 1. Dont fiddle, 2. The stool has 4 legs for a reason 3. Go before you come (which means go toilet before coming) 4. wear closed shoes. Our project is to make a thing with wood, it can be a car, draws, trucks, jewelry tree etc. Overall it was fun cause I also had my friends with me.   

My Pepeha

Ko Airplane te waka 

Ko Maungarei te mauga 

Ko Pacific te moana 

Ko Tamaki toku awa

Ko Haasini te iwi

Ko panmure te kainga 

Ko Vaiola toku ingoa 

No reira, Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena Tato katoa.